Anyone with a passion for photography does a bit of driving. We've usually planned a trip from home to there - a national park, a wilderness, some special place your feel akin to. Between here and there are lots of miles. There are also lots of subjects. Long drives can be torture for me. I see stuff. Possibilities. My shutter finger starts itching. In my younger days I'd suck it up and keep driving. Between then and now, I've learned to stop. I've learned that the destination is the journey. I don't need untrammeled wilderness to make photographs. For my eye, they are everywhere. That's what Roadside Distractions is about. The titles haves lead words serve only to tell you very roughly where I was at. Highway 50 means anywhere between Delta, UT and Tahoe, and 100 miles to either side of Highway 50 in the middle of Nevada. Montana means anywhere between Moab and Missoula. Iowa is the entire Midwest. Get it? While your journey might be guided by wanting to get to a particular site in the far distance, let yourself be distracted by the wonders you see along the road.